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Unique fashion from the best independent brands
Unique fashion from the best independent brands

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement is made on behalf of SilkFred Limited (for the purposes of this statement "SilkFred"). We are publishing this statement (although not strictly required to do so under the Modern Slavery Act 2015) in recognition of our commitment to ensuring that no form of slavery or human trafficking has any place in our business or supply chain.

At SilkFred, we are clear that respect for dignity and human rights are immutable and we committed to maintaining and improving practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business. We work with our suppliers to improve standards and ensure that those we work with share our high standards.

Our business and organisational structure

SilkFred is a platform for the best independent fashion brands to sell their products online and for shoppers who love cool, unique clothes to discover them.

In addition to working with third party fashion brands, we have also developed and sell our own brands through our online platform.

SilkFred is a UK registered company with its head office based in London.

Our staff

It is a fundamental part of all of the business we do, that we operate ethically and openly. As part of that we strive to ensure that the manner in which we engage with our staff, and the way they are treated, is consistent with those high standards. It goes without saying that any form of bonded or forced labour is absolutely unacceptable and that all of our staff are entitled to leave their employment on giving notice at any time.

We seek to encourage an open culture where employees feel able to raise any concerns which they may have about their own employment and more generally about the business and our contracting partners. We will be seeking to implement a written whistleblowing policy over the next 12 months to cement this commitment and ensure all staff are aware of their right to raise genuinely held concerns without fear of reprisals.

Our supply chains

The primary part of our business is in connecting creative independent sellers with shoppers. In that way, we act as an intermediary, providing an online platform for buying and selling, and a warehousing and delivery service to complete orders. Our primary suppliers in this side of the business are our warehousing and delivery teams, as well as the suppliers of the hardware and software used to maintain our online platform.

We do also have our own brands, which involves the design, sampling and manufacture of fashion. In that respect we engage with designers, have samples and, when samples are put into production, engage with manufacturers to produce the items. At this stage most manufacturing is done in the UK, Turkey, Italy, India, Poland, Romania, Portugal and China.

Our due diligence processes

It is imperative to us that our contractors, suppliers and other business partners uphold the same high standards as we do, by ensuring that all employees and workers are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment.

Assessing and managing risk

SilkFred receives goods and services primarily from the United Kingdom, USA, Turkey, Italy, India, Poland, Romania, Portugal and China. When selecting suppliers, we consider and scrutinise the reputation and integrity of the companies before deciding whether we want to work with them.

We work to identify, assess, and monitor any potential areas of risk in relation to our business and supply chains. This includes considering the type of services being carried out, the nature of what is being supplied and the location from where it is being supplied. We will continue to look to manage any risks identified and work with our suppliers and manufacturers to uphold ethical standards.

We also include various contractual provisions within our terms with suppliers to mitigate against risks. This includes express obligations to comply with all applicable laws in the delivery of goods and services, and express obligations to comply with the Modern Slavery Act and ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking in its business or its supply chain.


We want to ensure that our staff are aware of the issues relating to modern slavery and support our values. Our senior executive team is aware and trained in the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and set an example to the rest of the business.

Further, we are currently reviewing any training needs and will look to implement training for key staff and relevant personnel to recognise environment, health, safety, and labour/worker concerns, including issues relating to slavery, human trafficking and forced labour, and to report and investigate all suspicions of improper conduct at all suppliers globally.

Looking ahead

We recognise that compliance with the Modern Slavery Act is an ongoing commitment and we will continue to develop our practices to minimise any risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring anywhere in our business. Over the next 12 months particularly we will be implementing a new whistleblowing policy enabling staff to bring any concerns to our attention so that we may assess and act upon them quickly and effectively.

We will also continue to ensure that terms with new suppliers include express commitments to comply with all applicable laws, which would include the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes SilkFred's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2020.

Signature of Director of SilkFred Limited